May I ask why this piece is placed here in "Hell" rather than "Heaven"? Plus your quote from Einstein, does that mean you think this is bad creativity?
What I can see and say from this CD packaging design is a VERY typical technique used in design in our postmodern era, "pastiche" as called by the famous scholar on postmodernism Fredric Jameson. (see also "parody")
Jameson's idea of pastiche is that it is an imitation of a peculiar or unique style, the wearing of a stylistic mask... He believed in the postmodern era, "nobody has that [individualistic] kind of private world and style to express any longer... the writers and artists of the present day will no longer be able to invent new styles and worlds -- they've already been invented; only a limited number of combination are possible; the most unique ones have been thought of already... in a world in which stylistic innovation is no longer possible, all that is left is to imitate dead styles, to speak through the masks and the voices of the styles in the imaginary museum... This particular practice of pastiche is not high-cultural but very much within mass culture" (Jameson, 1982)
康港切雞屍真係冇乜typo sense,要跟就好心跟足啲
May I ask why this piece is placed here in "Hell" rather than "Heaven"? Plus your quote from Einstein, does that mean you think this is bad creativity?
What I can see and say from this CD packaging design is a VERY typical technique used in design in our postmodern era, "pastiche" as called by the famous scholar on postmodernism Fredric Jameson. (see also "parody")
Jameson's idea of pastiche is that it is an imitation of a peculiar or unique style, the wearing of a stylistic mask... He believed in the postmodern era, "nobody has that [individualistic] kind of private world and style to express any longer... the writers and artists of the present day will no longer be able to invent new styles and worlds -- they've already been invented; only a limited number of combination are possible; the most unique ones have been thought of already... in a world in which stylistic innovation is no longer possible, all that is left is to imitate dead styles, to speak through the masks and the voices of the styles in the imaginary museum... This particular practice of pastiche is not high-cultural but very much within mass culture" (Jameson, 1982)
如果 Jameson's idea of pastiche 真係可以幫到呢啲剽竊友脫罪,咁 Fredric Jameson 真係可以稱得上係「創作界清洪」了!
{{ : )
仲有早兩年前隻Dj Tommy...
軟硬呢個畸屎抄既係田宮模型盒設計既cosmetic form/style,但係裡面唔係賣翻版模型,亦擺明車馬話你知佢響邊度抄返黎,無任何欺騙成份bor,罪在邊度呢?唔比佢要向田宮模型致敬咩?即係某時裝設計師將阿九龍皇帝既書法放響件衫度,放響個袋度;又即係Duchamp將個現成既尿兜lor去當藝術品,仲叫佢做Fountain;呢D畸屎既創意似乎唔係講緊佢地點抄野、抄乜野、或者抄得足唔足,而係響點樣將一D野從佢本來既context抽出黎,放左響另一個無厘那梗既context,但係你又會覺得過癮同work。而呢個「抽」同「放」正正係佢既創意所在,無響邊度抄番黎,除非你搵到有人一早已經試過lor模型盒黎做CD packing,咁就係抄人地既創意啦。
「... ... 除非你搵到有人一早已經試過lor模型盒黎做CD packing,咁就係抄人地既創意啦。」
哎喲!上圖咪係囉,清洪!如果冇 Weapons of Mass Creation 2 嘅例子,學子都會認為軟硬今次玩模型盒概念是不錯的想法。(請參考出碟日期)
試問被人捉到正着,二手地運用「九龍皇帝既書法放響件衫度」、「尿兜當作藝術品」、「蒙羅麗沙林子祥」... ... 又點可以應用 Jameson's idea of pastiche 去打甩「剽竊」呢條罪呢?
今次真係十二分瘀皮啦!皆因我老眼昏花,from day one重以為你show俾大家睇緊個packing既正面同背面,所以同你拗一餐,原來兩張係唔同既,真係懵到上心口唔淨止,重有辱清洪同Jameson既聲譽添,sorry! 等我掌自己嘴至得...
掌完自己嘴,就要調轉槍頭幫手鬧下design軟硬個packing既切雞師啦!係lor,點解字款又用錯?layout又唔岩?又乜又物... 學子鬧得岩!學子鬧得應...
原來Weapons of Mass Creation上次用完Kubrick既Full Metal Jacket黎玩,今次又玩雙星模型,睇怕下次都係沿住呢條橋...
哈哈,冇相干,至少你帶出的 Jameson's idea of pastiche 令學子都有反思它與剽竊的分別,有啲位真係都幾灰色。唉 ... ... 再講,在剽竊成風的偽創作界,都好難搵到如此有根有據的後現代攪鬼思維吧!(學子都希望這是個誤會)
2005年的五月玩 Jazz 的 Jamie Cullum 出了 Twentysomething;
2005年的九月玩 "嘢" 林先生出了30methin'
Visual/Idea Merchandizer.
quote from my site
Continued on from the 1st post of Mr. Friend...
How come the kerning of the letter P and A in "compact" on the CD box looks super funny?...Is my eyes having some problems or...?
Comparing the two boxes, S&H's look like China's copycat products.
Wait, HK IS part of China...$&%)@...
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